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1. General provision

1.1. This Statement sets the requirements for participants, winners’ selection criteria, goals, objectives, terms and procedure for holding the WorldVision Opera Singer Contest (hereinafter “Contest”) and remains intact until the completion of the Contest events.

1.2. The Contest Founders and Organizers: Classic@Home online platform

1.3. The Contest location:

- Online: https://wvopera.classic-at-home.com

- Offline – Opera Theater of the Casino of Sanremo (Italy).

1.4. Age of contestants: The international competition WorldVision Opera Singer Contest is open for participation to representatives of any country in the age from 23 to 35 years. The age of the contestant shall be defined as on the day of the Contest official opening.

1.5. Timeframe: the Contest will be held from May 1, 2022 till June 1, 2024.

1.6. Nominations:

  • soprano
  • mezzo-soprano
  • countertenor
  • tenor
  • baritone
  • bass

1.7. Applications for participation in the Contest shall be submitted via the Contest official website: https://wvopera.classic-at-home.com

2. Contest Goals and Objectives

2.1. Popularization of different genres and styles of classical music;

2.2. Finding talented performers and supporting them;

2.3. Creating a dynamic online platform for evaluation by viewers and giving a possibility of donations to every Contest participant from the audience;

2.4. Creating conditions for sharing experience and skills between young performers and prominent musicians worldwide;

2.5. Support and development of the trend for online format in music.

3. The Contest organizing procedure

3.1. To perform preparatory work, organize the conduct and running of the Contest and ensure control of compliance with the terms of this Statement, an Organizing Committee shall be set up (hereinafter “Organizing Committee”) including the representatives of the Contest Founders, Organizers and Artistic Director.  

3.2. The Contest rounds: collection of applications for participation, moderation, four auditions, summing up the results, awarding the winners and Gala concert. In its every round the Contest relies on the principles of maximum openness and accessibility.  

3.3. At every round of the Contest the records sent by participants shall be listened by the jury and the panel of experts on each voice type.

3.4. By results of the 1st round auditions 6 best candidates from each region of each country (one candidate for every voice type) as well as the Golden Ticket winner will be defined and will pass to the next round.

By results of the 2nd round auditions the best candidate will be defined from every participating country (regard of the voice type) who will pass to the semifinals.

By results of the 3rd round auditions 3 candidates will be defined, regardless of the voice type, as well as the Golden Ticket winner.

By results of the 4th round auditions the Contest winners will be defined.

3.5. The Golden Ticket gives the right to pass to the next round of the Contest regardless of the participant’s score. Once the Golden Ticket is used to fulfil the right to pass to the next round, the Golden Ticket shall be voided.  

3.6. The Golden Ticket can only be used by the participant who it was adjudged to.

3.7. The Golden Ticket can only be used at the Contest round at which it was adjudged to a participant.

3.8.  The Golden Ticket shall be adjudged to one or more participants of the Contest:

- By the results of the first round – to one participant from every region who received the biggest number of money donations from the audience.

- By the results of the third round – to one participant who received the biggest number of money donations from the audience.

3.9. All video works of those participants who pass the moderation will be published on the online platform within the time specified in the Statement.

4. The Contest Organizing Committee

4.1. The Contest Organizing Committee is formed by the Contest Founders and Organizers.

4.2. The Contest Organizing Committee comprises organizational and technical staff of the Contest, representatives of the Contest Founders, workers of art and culture.

4.3. The Organizing Committee is aimed for controlling the compliance with this Statement throughout all Contest rounds.

4.4. The Contest Organizing Committee has the final vote in disputable situations arising throughout the Contest in all its spheres.

4.5. The Contest Organizing Сommittee reserves the right to change the Contest procedure rules and timing in the course of the Contest events and activities.

4.6. The Organizing Сommittee has the right to request additional materials from the Contest participants.

5. The Contest Jury

5.1. The members of the international Contest Jury shall be assigned by the Contest Organizing Committee.

5.2. The members of the Jury shall be announced on the Contest website under the Jury section.

5.3. The Jury members can be announced just prior to the start of auditions.

5.4. The Jury have the right of adjudging not every prize, or sharing prizes between participants.

5.5. The Jury decision shall be final and not to be reviewed.

6. Application submission rules

6.1. The Contest Participant can come from any country and be from 23 to 35 years of age (inclusive, as on the date of the Contest opening on March 1, 2022).

6.2. The Contest Participant has the right to submit application for participation only from one region of one country.

6.3. The Contest Participant has the right to apply for participation with any number of vocal categories. The registration fee shall be paid separately for each category.

6.4. Registration procedure.

For taking part in the Contest it is required within the time specified in this Statement:

  • To fill out a form for participating in the Contest. Once the form is sent, a Participant’s Profile is created automatically on the Contest web site.
  • To upload a document certifying the Participant’s identity and age (a photo or a color scan of the document) in the Participant’s Profile.
  • To upload a photo of a Participant in the Participant’s Profile (artistic photo with the resolution of at least 1200x800 pixels).
  • To upload a video record with the Contest performance in the Participant’s Profile. To be submitted, the video materials must have the resolution of at least 720p. The video must be tagged with a written indication of a name of the music piece, the composer, opus, other identification details. Video materials submitted for the Contest must be recorded within 12 months before submission and not earlier. Maximum duration of the 1st round video is up to 15 minutes. Should a Participant pass to subsequent rounds of the Contest, the duration of a video shall be regulated by performance of the Participant. The Contest Organizing Committee reserves the right to cut the length of a video material provided for the Contest upon their own discretion, giving preference to the Participant’s performance.
  • To upload a document to the Participant’s Profile to confirm receiving education in a professional musical institution or a diploma of graduation from a professional musical institution.
  • Upload to the Participant’s Profile an autobiography in English with the size under 1,500 characters.
  • Pay a one-off entrance fee in the amount of 100 EURO to the banking details provided by the Contest or in the Participant’s Profile on the Contest website.

6.5. Once the materials are uploaded in the Participant’s Profile and the entrance fee is paid, the submitted materials undergo moderation.

6.6. After every moderation stage is completed the video work of a Participant is posted on the web site in open access. From the moment of such publication a Participant can receive donations from the Contest web platform users/the viewers. Each video work of the Contest participant is supplied with instruments for advertising his/her video work on a free of charge basis.

6.7. The Contest Organizing committee has the right to withhold a contestant from participating in the Contest in case of failure to observe the terms for the execution of the Contest materials (application, video etc.) by that Participant. The entrance fee shall not be compensated in such case.

7. Requirements for Participants and program

7.1. The Contest program:

Round 1

A program chosen by participant, not exceeding 15 minutes in duration, including:

One (could be two) opera or operetta arias selected by the Participant

Round 2

Program not exceeding 20 minutes in duration including the following pieces:
An aria from any opera, cantata or an oratorio written in the 17th/18th century including works by W.A.Mozart

An aria from any opera written by:
C.M.Weber, G.Rossini, G.Donizetti, V.Bellini, M.Glinka, R.Wagner, G.Verdi, C.Gounod, J.Meyerbeer, J.Offenbach, F.Cilea, J.Massenet, L. van Beethoven, A.Boito, G.Charpentier, A.Ponchielli, B.Britten, H.Berlioz, W.Giordano, O.Nikolai, A.Toma, S.Moniuszko, B.Smetana, A.Borodin, C.Saint-Saëns, L.Delibes, J. Bizet, M.Mussorgsky, A.Dvorak, N.Rimsky-Korsakov, R.Leoncavallo, G.Puccini, P.Mascagni, S.Rachmaninov, P.Tchaikovsky, I.Stravinsky, E.Korngold, R.Strauss, C.Orff, L.Bernstein, J.Menotti, A.Previn

Round 3

Program not exceeding 25 minutes in duration including the following pieces:
A romance or a song written by:

S.Barber, B.Bartok, A. Beach, L.van Beethoven, V.Bellini, H.Berlioz, L.Bernstain, J.Brahms, A.Borodin, C. Chaminade, E.Chausson, F.Chopin, A. Copland, C.Debussy, L.Delibes, G.Donizetti, A.Duparc, A.Dvorak, M. De Falla, G.Faure, R.Glier, M.Glinka, E.Granados, E.Grieg, R.Hahn, E.Korngold, A.Kos-Anatolsky, R.Leoncavallo, F.Liszt, M.Lysenko, B.Lyatoshinsky, G.Mahler, F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, M.Mussorgsky, S.Prokofiev, S.Rachmaninov, M.Ravel, N.Rimsky-Korsakov, C.Saint-Saëns, F.Schubert, Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann,  J.Sibelius, R.Strauss, D.Shostakovich, G.Verdi, P.Viardot-Garcia, H.Villa-Lobos, R.Wagner, H.Wolf, A. von Zemlinsky
A traditional folk song, preferrably from the country the Participant represents at the  Contest
An aria written in the 19th/20th century chosen by participant

Round 4

An opera aria chosen by participant
A Participant must provide note sheets (vocal and piano scores) in advance upon request of the Contest Direction

7.2. The organizers have the right to disqualify or ban a candidate from participation in the following cases:

the rules of submitting an application have not been observed;
the materials are not provided in the due form stipulated by the Statement;
the registration fee for participation has not been paid;
the materials were provided in the form inappropriate in terms of moral and ethical norms;
the materials contain advertisement, promo actions, brands, logotypes not agreed with the Contest Organizing Committee;
the materials contain propaganda of violence, political and/or religious convictions, calls for actions that break peace and order, other propaganda activities, as well as actions which are treated as unlawful or illegal according to international law;
in cases of manipulations and fraud in the course of the audience voting;
if the participant voluntarily chooses to leave the Contest before its completion.

The entrance fee shall not be compensated in all the above-listed cases.

7.3. The names of contestants whose applications were selected will be shown in the list of participants on the web site, and their videos will be published under the relevant section of the web site. In case if an application is not accepted from a contestant for any reason whatsoever, the Contest Organizers will notify the Participant via the e-mail address indicated in the application, giving a request to introduce recommended amendments and adjustments to the materials sent by the Participant.

7.4. For every round of the Contest the Participant must provide different pieces. Repetition of pieces in different rounds of the same Contest is not allowed.

7.5. A Participant must provide note sheets (vocal and piano scores) upon request of the Contest Organizing Committee.

8. Organization and conduct of auditions for the Contest

Round 1 (regional)

  • November 15, 2022 – end of submission of applications for participation in the Contest
  • November 16, 2022 - December 16, 2022 – processing and moderation of materials sent by Participants
  • December 17, 2022 - January 15, 2023 – posting video works of the 1st (regional) round participants on the online stage
  • January 16, 2023 – July 31, 2023 – viewers voting, jury voting
  • August 1-6, 2023 – counting the audience and jury votes
  • August 7-9, 2023 – publication of results of the 1st (regional) round on the official Contest website
  • August 10-15, 2023 - voting with donations and publication of the Golden Ticket results


Round 2 (national)

  • August 16 - October 15, 2023 – submission of video materials for participation in the 2nd (national) round of the Contest
  • October 16, 2023 - November 1, 2023 – moderation and publication on the online stage of video records sent by the 2nd round Participants
  • November 2-16, 2023 – viewers voting, jury voting
  • November 17-25, 2023 – counting the audience and jury votes
  • November 26 - December 5, 2023 – publication of results of the 2nd (national) round on the official Contest website


Round 3 (Semifinals)

  • December 6, 2023 - January 31, 2024 – submission of video materials for participation in the 3rd (Semifinals) round of the Contest. Once checked, the video materials are published on the Contest website
  • February 1, 2024 - March 25, 2024 – viewers voting, jury voting
  • March 26 - April 5, 2024 – counting votes
  • April 5-12, 2024 – publication of results of the 3rd (Semifinals) round on the official Contest website
  • April 12-15, 2024 – publication of the Golden Ticket results


Round 4 (Finals)

The Finals of the Contest are TBA. The Contest winners will be announced during the final concert. In case of restrictions due to pandemics, force majeure situations or other insurmountable obstacles the final concerts will be held in the concert halls available during the Finals. The organizers retain the right to change the date of the final concert depending on the availability of the chosen hall.

9. Voting and evaluation criteria

9.1. All Participants break into vocal categories in accordance with the voice types they present at the Contest.

9.2. Each vocal category shall be evaluated by Jury members.

9.3. Each member of the Jury is provided with a certain number of video works of contestants in a random order.

9.4. Each Jury member evaluates individually those video works of contestants which were provided to him/her.

9.5. Evaluation of each Participant consists of two parts:

- number of points given by the Jury members

- number of points received from the audience.

9.6. Each video work of a contestant can receive up to 400 points from the Jury members during each round.

9.7. Each video work of a contestant can receive up to 100 points from the audience (viewers on Youtube or the Contest web site users) during each round in the mode where 5 likes on Youtube or 5 votes on the website count as 1 point.

9.8. The points received by every Participant at each round are added up. The maximum score is 500, the minimum is 0.

9.9. By means of voting and donations each active user (viewer) of the Contest web site influences the voting process and promotion of the Contest Participants to subsequent round, as well as defining the winner in the Golden Ticket nomination at the Contest regional stage and the Semifinals.

9.10. The decision made by the Jury shall be published on the Contest official web site.

The Participants who win places at each round of the Contest will be additionally notified via the e-mail indicated during their registration.

9.11. Once a Participant passes to the next round his/her score is reset.

10. Donations

10.1. Every active user (viewer) of the Contest website has an opportunity to make a voluntary donation in support of one or several contestants (with no limitations as to the amount and quantity of donations) throughout the entire Contest. All donations will be transferred in a targeted manner to the contestants’ personal accounts under the Participants’ Profiles.

10.2. Every active user/viewer of the Contest website has the right to vote for the Participant of his/her preference at each stage of the Contest (one vote for one contestant per one round).

10.3. The number of votes given for every Contest work in case of public vote will be accounted within the terms set by the Contest Statement and be registered by the Contest Organizing Committee.

10.4. After participation in the Contest is finished, a Participant (or his/her lawful representative) has the right to dispose the funds received to his/her account in the Participant’s Profile upon own discretion and in compliance with the User Agreement.

10.5. The withdrawal of money received from donations can be made by contestant to his/her banking account provided to the Contest Organizing Committee upon their request, in accordance with the User Agreement.

11. The Contest prize fund

11.1. In the course of the Contest activities every Participant can be awarded the following prizes for the Contest rounds:

By results of Round I: Schlossakademie certificates for the amounts of 50, 100, 150 Euro.

By results of Round II: Schlossakademie certificates for the amounts of 100, 150, 250 Euro.

By results of Round III: contract for a CD recording.

By results of Round IV: money prizes for the amounts of 1500, 4000, 11000 Euro, contract for an international concert tour.

12. Awarding

Round I - Participants compete with nominees from their own region in each vocal category.

1st place: Schlossakademie certificate for a master class of €150 equivalent. The winner in each of vocal categories reaches the next round of the Contest.

2nd place: Schlossakademie certificate for a master class of €100 equivalent.

3rd place: Schlossakademie certificate for a master class of €50 equivalent.

Golden Ticket for a Participant who received the greatest number of money donations from the audience.


Round II – the candidates who reached the 2nd Round of the Contest compete with candidates from their own country in their vocal categories.


1st place: Schlossakademie certificate for a master class of €250 equivalent

2nd place: Schlossakademie certificate for a master class of €150 equivalent

3rd place: Schlossakademie certificate for a master class of €100 equivalent


Round III – the Contest Semifinals


Six candidates receive a contract for recording and production of a CD by Classic@Home or by a partner music label

Out of six semifinalists only three Participants who received the greatest total score from the jury and from the audience reach the finals.

The fourth candidate will be the owner of the Golden Ticket, won by a semifinalist who received the greatest number of donations from the audience throughout the Contest run.


Round IV – the Contest Finals


The finalists receive a money prize in accordance with the place they win at the Contest finals:


Grand prix: € 11,000 + participation in concerts of the Contest (locations – philharmonic halls in Europe).

2nd place: € 4,000 + participation in concerts of the Contest (locations – philharmonic halls in Europe).

3rd place: € 1,500 + participation in concert of the Contest (location – philharmonic hall in Europe).


Every Participant has the possibility get a personal certificate of participation in every Contest round specifying his/her Contest round score (upon request to the Organizing Committee).


12.1. The winners of the national and regional rounds of the Contest will be awarded prizes in form of Schlossakademie certificates that can be used for musical skills enhancement. There will be no monetary payouts of the prize equivalents.

12.2. The winners of semifinals will be awarded prizes in form of Schlossakademie certificates. There will be no monetary payouts of the prize equivalents.

12.3. The finals prizes will be paid to personal accounts of the Contest Participants.

12.4. The first place in the finals cannot be shared between two or more Participants.

12.5. The Contest Organizing Committee leaves open the possibility of adjudging extra prizes from partners and sponsors.

12.6. The Organizing committee and the Jury have the right not to adjudge all prizes, or share prizes between Participants in accordance with the Contest Statement.

13. Media and copyright

13.1. The Contest organizers have a possibility to publish the contest works on a free of charge basis on their resources, as well as on the resources of the Contest information partners in a full or reduced form.

13.2. The organizers reserve the right to cut video works of contestants to fit the necessary time format if the video record format has not been observed by the contestant. In case of such cutting of the contestant’s video the preference shall be given to the contestant’s playing.

13.3. In case of publishing video materials sent to the Contest the organizers have the right to add the Contest intros and outros to the videos.

14. Other terms

14.1 The submission of the Contest work and related materials by Participant in accordance with this Statement means full and unconditional consent with the Contest terms on the part of the Participant.

14.2 In case of requests or claims raised, or lawsuits started by third parties, including the owners of author’s rights and neighbouring rights for the work submitted for the Contest, the Participant undertakes to resolve them on his/her own behalf and at his/her own account.

14.3 By taking part in the Contest each Participant gives the right to the Contest Organizing Committee for the use of his/her materials submitted for the Contest, upon the discretion of the Organizing Committee and free of charge.

14.4 All expenses in connection with the transfer, board and lodging and other costs incurred due to participation in the offline part of the Contest shall be paid by Participant himself/herself.

14.5. Participation in the Gala concert shall be pro bono for a Participant (with no remuneration).

15. Contact details


Business details

Classic@Home GmbH

Paalende 24, 22149 Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 167480