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Grzegorz Smyk

Flag Poland, Warsaw Mazovia Note Bass

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His vocal education began under the supervision of Barbara Urzędowicz at the Stanisław Moniuszko Music School Complex in Łódź. Graduated with a master’s degree in English Philology at the University of Łódź and in Singing Performance at the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław in the class of Prof. Tadeusz Pszonka. Currently, continues to hone his vocal skills under the tutelage of Prof. Izabela Kłosińska and Tamara Grykowska-Treszczotko in Warsaw.

Laureate of many vocal competitions (Z. Skwara in Mława, M. Swarowska-Walawska in Krzeszowice, JSFest in Turku, BHIMC in Birmingham) and a quarter-finalist of the H. Gabor Belvedere Competition in Moscow.

His repertoire includes the parts of Il Commendatore from “Don Giovanni” and Doctor Bartolo from “The Marriage of Figaro” by W.A. Mozart, Count Robinson from D. Cimarosa's “The Secret Marriage”, Bellona from J.P. Rameau’s “Les Indes galantes” and Bruneder from H. Berté’s “The House of the Three Girls”.

As a member of the Carmen Opera Troupe in Warsaw, he performs a diverse array of arias and songs, including works by G.F. Handel, W.A. Mozart, S. Moniuszko, F. Chopin, R. Schumann, G. Verdi, G. Rossini, P.I. Tchaikovsky, J. Offenbach and A. Boito.

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Participant's status: Classic@Home artist
Grzegorz Smyk

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